What We Do
Para Kore offers a range of te ao Māori sustainability programmes throughout the motu that may be available in person or online, depending on where we have kaimahi and where we are funded to deliver them.
We work with marae, whānau, hapū, iwi, kura, kōhanga/puna reo, early childhood centres, whare karakia/churches, wāhi mahi, community organisations, tertiary institutions, companies, events, community gardens, kaumātua rōpū and more.

Wānanga Tūāpapa
These wānanga are our foundational building blocks for learning about a zero carbon, zero waste world.
- Te Orokohanga | A Creation Story
Through our whakapapa, we are related to all living and non-living things - Ngā Rawa Māori o te Ao Tūroa | Natural Resources
Finding out what our everyday things are made from - Te Pūnaha Whakapeto Hautaonga | The System of Stuff
Getting off the wasteful linear system - Arotakenga Para | Waste Check
Looking at your waste to create change - Te Pūnaha Whakarōpū Para | The Waste Hierarchy
There are more important actions than recycling
He Mana tō te Kai
Join Para Kore and other whānau Māori on a journey through whakapapa, māramatanga, kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga with our He Mana tō te Kai programme. We will take you through the systems of kai, learn useful tips, save more kai and money, reduce kai waste and make a plan to raise the inherent mana of kai.

Mai i Kurawaka
Reindigenising Ikura
The whakapapa of the word ikura reminds us that the first woman was fashioned by atua at Kurawaka. Join us to learn about the te ao Māori worldview relating to ikura (menstruation), as well as the pros and cons of both reusable and single-use period products.
Kope Tautāiao
Reusable Cloth Nappies
Join us to learn about kope tautāiao, and the benefits of using them for our mokopuna and our taiao. See how easy it is to integrate using cloth nappies, even if it’s just one a day, into daily routines, thereby reducing waste, and saving money. Kōrero mai ki a mātou.

Oranga Kura
Zero Waste Schools
The goal of the Oranga Kura programme is for schools to reduce their waste significantly and to push past the usual barriers and limitations encountered when trying to implement zero waste practices. This is a two-year behaviour change programme currently available in the Waikato.
Contact us if you’d like to run this school programme in your rohe.
Te Mahi Wairākau
Composting is more than just a way to get rid of our food scraps. Composting is about enhancing the mauri of Hineahuone through creating healthy, nutrient rich soil. Creating soil enables whānau and hapū to grow their own kai. Building food security, while knowing the whakapapa of our kai. We offer a range of compost support, from setting up worm farms or compost systems at your place, to community-scale compost hubs. He mahi whakamana i a Hineahuone. Kōrero mai ki a mātou.

Kōrero mai ki a mātou
Please get in touch with us to learn more about how you can access or deliver our programmes.