Para Kore
Online Learning
Nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai, ki ngā akoranga o Para Kore.

Welcome to our online learning. Here you can experience some of our wānanga in your own time and at your own pace. These wānanga are suitable for staff training and induction, to complement education programmes, or as general interest for your community.
Gather your whānau around and do it together. There are videos to watch and activities to complete.
Ko te tūmanako he akoranga whai hua ēnei mōu me tō whānau.
We hope you enjoy these wānanga.
Karawhiua e hoa mā!
Te Orokohanga
A Creation Story
Join us to explore how through our whakapapa, we descend from Ranginui and Papatūānuku and that we are a part of the natural world. By the end of this wānanga, we hope you will respond to the call to strengthen connection to Papatūānuku.
Ngā Rawa Māori o te Ao Tūroa
Natural Resources
The purpose of this wānanga is to learn what our everyday stuff is made from. By the end of this wānanga, you will understand how our stuff connects to our natural world.
Te Pūnaha Whakapeto Hautaonga
The System of Stuff
This wānanga is about the linear system of how our stuff is made. It investigates other more sustainable alternatives to this system and makes connections to te ao Māori values and practices.